YEEES 32 in Nuremberg – Call for Papers until 14th July 2023

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There will once again be a new edition of YEEES! The abstract submission deadline is July 14!

In case you do not know YEEES yet: YEEES stands for “Young Energy Economists and Engineers Seminar”, which is a network of researchers founded by Yannick Perez and Leonardo Meeus that meets twice a year since 2006 for a one- or two-day working paper seminar. The seminars give PhD students the opportunity to present their work in progress and receive feedback from their peers in a friendly and constructive atmosphere. Up to a full hour is devoted to every paper, which breaks down into a maximum 20-minute presentation of the paper, two 10-minute discussions of the paper by two reviewers who read the paper beforehand and present a short review of the paper (what is the issue, what is the methodology, what are the results, what are the strengths of the paper, and how can it be improved), and 10 to 20 minutes for general discussion.

YEEES gives the opportunity to Ph.D. students and early-career researchers to present ongoing research. Attendance is free of charge but places are limited, so register early!

Further details and the full Call for papers can be found on the Website.

The registration form is available here.

Fur further questions please contact our doctoral candidates Ulrike Pfefferer or Johannes Wirth.