
In the winter term 2017/2018 we offer the annual Project Seminar: Experimental Economics for Master and doctoral students. The preliminary meeting will be on July 27, 2017, at 11:30 in room LG 3.166. You can find detailed information about the seminar here.

Category: News

GfK Verein advertises a position for writing a master thesis on the subject of "Passive Measurement in the Supermarket: Path Analysis and Shelf Interaction". The start of the master thesis is supposed to be between 1st August and 1st September, 2017. The position comes with a monthly salary of € 500...

Category: News

In the summer term 2017 the Chair of Economic Theory of Prof. Dr. Grimm offers a Master seminar in Behavioral Economics. There are few spaces remaining. For more information and a list of topics please see here.

Category: News

In the upcoming summer term 2017, the Chair of Economic Theory, Prof. Dr. Grimm, and the Chair of Industrial Organization and Energy Markets, Prof. Dr. Zöttl, are going to offer an interdisciplinary seminar on Energy Markets. Registration for the seminar is open until 15.02.2017 For more detai...

Category: News

As part of the International Graduate Program Evidence-Based Economics the Chair of Economic Theory at FAU is offering one PhD position. This Doctoral Student will be based at FAU, and cooperate closely with the Universities in Munich, Regensburg and Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, as well as participate in h...

Category: News

In the summer term 2017 the Chair of Economic Theory of Prof. Dr. Grimm offers a Master seminar in Behavioral Economics. A first meeting of seminar will take place on February 7th at 5 pm in LG 3.166. Students that are interested in taking part in the seminar are asked to register for this meeting v...

Category: News