Other Publications
- Ambrosius, M., Grimm, V., Kleinert, T., Liers, F., Schmidt, M., & Zöttl, G. (2020). Endogenous Price Zones and Investment Incentives in Electricity Markets: An Application of Multilevel Optimization with Graph Partitioning. Energy Economics. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eneco.2020.104879
- Ambrosius, M., Grimm, V., Rückel, B., Sölch, C., & Zöttl, G. (2019). Data Documentation for the German Electricity Market used for the calibration of the GATE Model - NDP 2025 (Version 2015).
- German, R., Götz, K., Grimm, V., Kufner, A., Leepa, C., Luther, M.,... Veerashekar, K. (2017). Virtueller Großspeicher zur Erbringung von Primärregelleistung – Pilotprojekt SWARM. In Tagungsband OTTI-Konferenz „Zukünftige Stromnetze für Erneuerbare Energien“. Berlin, DE.
- Abraham, M., & Grimm, V. (2017). Reputation in Wirtschaftsbeziehungen: Empirische Befunde. In Maurer, A. (Eds.), Handbuch der Wirtschaftssoziologie. (pp. 257-274). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
- Ambrosius, M., Grimm, V., Sölch, C., & Zöttl, G. (2016). Investment incentives for flexible energy consumption in the industry. In IEEE (Eds.), 2016 13th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM) (pp. 1-5). Porto, PT.
- Leepa, C., Kufner, A., Mehl, S., Steber, D., Veerashekar, K., Sigert, I.,... Luther, M. (2016). SWARM – Successful Provision of Frequency Containment Reserve with Distibuted Energy Storage Systems. In EUROSOLAR and the World Council for Renewable Energy (WCRE) (Eds.), Conference Presentations and Materials of the "10th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference" (IRES 2016), Düsseldorf/Germany, 15-17 March 2015. Düsseldorf, DE.
- Grimm, V., & Zöttl, G. (2015). Investitionsanreize im Strommarkt der Zukunft. In Wolfgang Lemb (Hrg.), Welche Industrie wollen wir? Nachhaltig produzieren - zukunftsorientiert wachsen. Frankfurt am Main: Campus.
- Grimm, V. (2007). Book Review: An Introduction to the Structural Econometrics of Auction Data (by H. Paarsch and H. Hong). Journal of Economics, 92(2), 205-208. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00712-006-0249-8
- Grimm, V., Riedel, F., & Wolfstetter, E. (2004). The third generation (UMTS) spectrum license auction in Germany. In G. Illing (Eds.), Spectrum Auctions and Competition in Telecommunication. (pp. 223-246). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
- Grimm, V. (2003). Three Essays on Mechanism Design and Multi-Object Auctions. Aachen: Shaker Verlag.
- Grimm, V., Schmidt, U., & Weber, M. (2003). Auktionen: zu viel oder zu wenig geboten? In Forschung für die Praxis. University of Mannheim.
- Grimm, V. (1999). Auction theory: a survey. In S. B. Dahiya (Eds.), The Current State of Economic Science. Rothak: Spellbound Publications.