Europäisches Doktorandenseminar: „Young Energy Economists and Engineers Seminar“ (YEEES)
Welcome to the 22nd Young Energy Economists and Engineers Seminar (YEEES), which will be hosted at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg on the Energy Campus Nuremberg on the 27th and 28th of April 2017! Since 2006, the Young Energy Economists and Engineers Seminar is held twice a year and gives PhD students the opportunity to present their work in progress and receive feedback from their peers in a friendly and constructive atmosphere.
For who is the seminar?
Any doctoral students or early stage researcher currently working on topics related to energy economics and/or engineering. Please forward this call for papers to anybody in your institution that may be interested in attending the seminar.
What do I have to do?
Submit an abstract (max. 2000 characters) now (link to registration form), then later submit and present a (5 – 20 page double spaced) paper to be reviewed by two other participants, and present a review of another participant’s paper.
How much?
There is no charge for attending the seminar. You will be responsible for arranging your own travel and accommodation.
What are the deadlines?
Abstract submission is open until the 26th of February 2017. People wishing to register, but not present a paper can do so until the 12th of April 2017.
The seminar will be hosted at the Energie Campus Nürnberg (EnCN) close to the metro station Eberhardshof (metro line U1). The EnCN is located less than 10min by metro from the city center.
What if I want to know more?
Have a browse through the YEEES website, visit us on Facebook, or contact Jonas Egerer at jonas.egerer [at]